The Carroll County Caucus

May 24 at 7 PM — Zoom.

Executive Committee will make an effort to share a slate of officers — but only so that we can be sure there is a team ready to go. Nominations will be received during the session and can be received leading up to the event, too, by clicking HERE.

Do you think you know someone who would be a great county DEMs leader? Do you think YOU would be a good county DEMs leader? Talk with your fellow DEMs in your circle. Is there someone you know who would be a good fit?

There are six positions. They are: Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, At-Large Delegate 1, & At-Large Delegate 2. The NHDP has shared a list of officer responsibilities that they would like everyone to know — it is HERE.

During the last two years, leaders have tried to lead with clarity, transparency, and fairness. Let’s work together so that we can all move ahead with care. The hope is that the next leadership team can continue the work — but to do that work even better!

To get the Zoom link for the Carroll County Caucus, click HERE. The folks at the NHDP are hosting the Zoom event.




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