Carroll County Democratic Committee Bylaws
Amended March 23, 2009
Section 1: Name
The name of this organization shall be the Carroll County Democratic Committee.
Section 2: Affiliations
The Carroll County Democratic Committee shall be an affiliate of the State Committee of the New Hampshire Democratic Party and the Democratic National Committee of the National Democratic Party, and all parts of these bylaws shall conform to their constitutions and bylaws. Any part not so conforming shall hereby be deemed null and void.
Section 3: Functions
To administer the affairs of the Democratic Party within Carroll County.
To promote, publicize, help formulate and support policies and platform of the Democratic Party.
To recruit strong, public service oriented individuals who are members of the Democratic Party and whose views are consistent with the Party’s policies and platform to run for public office at the local, county, state, and national levels.
To organize effective town committees and promote their growth.
To provide financial support for campaign expenses of Carroll County Democratic candidates and to Democratic Committees within the County.
To educate youth about the democratic process and the Democratic Party.
To inform residents of Carroll County about the principles, policies and platform of the Democratic Party so as to recruit new members.
Section 4: Membership
Membership of the Carroll County Democratic Committee shall be open to all registered Democrats in Carroll County.
Section 5: Officers
Chair – To issue the call for and preside at meetings of the Carroll County Democratic Committee and Executive Committee; appoint members to all standing and special committees and be an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee; sign all contracts and, in the absence of the Treasurer, have authority to disburse funds with the approval of two members of the Executive Committee; and serve as a member of the State Democratic Committee and Executive Committee of the State Democratic Committee.
Vice-Chair – To perform the duties of and serve in the absence of the Chair; perform other such duties as requested by the Chair or by vote of the Executive Committee; and serve as a member of the State Democratic Committee.
Secretary – To record the minutes of all meetings of the Carroll County Democratic Committee and Executive Committee; distribute minutes to members; conduct correspondence as directed by the chair; preside at meetings of the Carroll County Democratic Committee or Executive Committee in the absence of both the Chair and the Vice-Chair and serve as a member of the State Democratic Committee.
Treasurer – To be responsible for maintaining all funds as follows: keep a full and accurate record of all receipts and disbursements, including names, addresses, and dates; retain a copy of all revenue checks; deposit all monies in a recognized bank; disburse said funds; give a full financial report at meetings of the Carroll County Democratic Committee; serve as a member of the State Democratic Committee; and perform other such duties consistent with the office, as directed by the Chair.
Section 6: Executive Committee
The members of the Executive Committee shall consist of the County Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and 2 At-Large Members elected to serve by the County Caucus. The Executive Committee shall also consist of past County Chairs as non-voting, ex officio members.
It shall be the duty of the Executive Committee to: formulate policy; assist in planning the affairs of the County Democrats; and perform other duties as required by these Bylaws These other duties include but are not limited to:
Report its activities to the County Committee;
Approve expenditures made on behalf of the Carroll County Democratic Committee. Any purchases made on behalf of the Carroll County Democratic Committee without prior approval rendered by a majority vote of the members of the Executive Committee present at an officially convened meeting may be reimbursed in part or in whole by requesting such reimbursement;
Prepare an annual budget and party plan.
Election of the Executive Committee and Officers will occur every two years in the same year as the State Convention prior to July 1st.
The Chair of the County Executive Committee will promptly notify the State Chair in writing of any vacancy within the County Executive Committee. Vacancies will be filled according to Chapter 6, Section Subsection 3 of the Constitution of the New Hampshire Democratic Party within forty-five days from the notification of the vacancy by a majority vote of members of the County Committee.
Section 7: Standing Committees
The County Chair shall appoint at least three members with one serving as Chair in consultation with the Executive Committee. Standing Committees and the functions of each are described below. Committee membership shall be constituted by volunteers from among the Carroll County Democratic Committee’s members. The committees shall make reports, as appropriate, at the monthly general meetings.
Election – This committee shall assist in identifying qualified candidates for all elected offices in the County in biennial and special elections.
Issues – This committee shall be responsible for keeping Carroll County Democratic Committee members informed of important legislative events and for proposing actions that can be taken to promote Democratic values.
Fundraising – This committee shall be charged with the raising of funds for Democratic Party activities in the County.
Nominating Committee – This committee will prepare a slate of Officers and Executive Committee members and shall inform the membership prior to the election.
Media and Meeting Coordination – The duties of this Standing Committee shall be to establish venues and programs for the regularly and specially scheduled meetings of the Carroll County Democratic Committee; to prepare news releases to the media promoting such meetings and events; and to perform all necessary activities to publicize regular meetings and special, fund-raising events. In particular, this Standing Committee may need to work closely with other Standing Committees.
Special – The County Chair may appoint such other committees as may be required.
Section 8: Meetings
Meetings of the entire County Committee shall take place no less than 6 times a year at the time established by the County Chair. Proper notification shall be made to members electronically, such as by e-mail, and to relevant members and the general public through notices in the local news media.
Additional County Committee and Executive Committee meetings may be called by the Chair or by a vote at any meeting provided that members have received a seven, calendar day notification.
Section 9: Town Committees
Strong town committees are essential to the functioning of the Democratic Party. The following guidelines will apply and the County Committee will provide assistance.
Town committees shall be affiliated with the Carroll County Democratic Committee.
Town committees will comply with State party guidelines regarding election of officers.
Town committees may pursue fundraising, issue-education or public awareness activities that support the Democratic Party.
Town committees shall assist in the recruitment and election of Democratic candidates and shall support combined campaign efforts.
Section 10: Amendment of Bylaws
Any member at a scheduled meeting of the County Committee may submit a proposed amendment in writing. The proposed amendment shall be referred to the Executive Committee, who shall review it and make a recommendation at the next scheduled County meeting. Voting shall take place at the scheduled County meeting following presentation of the Executive Committee’s recommendation.
A two-thirds vote of those eligible to vote and attending is required for adoption of the amendment(s).
Section 11: Other Provisions
Meetings will be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order.