Dems Fired up in Freedom

It was a bluebird day in Freedom on Sunday at the Meet the Candidates gathering. The message from the candidates was- It’s crucial that we all get out and VOTE BLUE up and down the ballot in 2022. Protect public education, women’s reproductive rights, end the extremists’ agenda in Concord and most of all …… preserve our democracy. Mayor Dana Hilliard for Executive Council, Dr. Bill Marsh for State Senate, Adam Heard & Theresa Swanick for two County Commissioner seats, Sandra Ringelstein and Dr. Jerry Knirk for State Reps in District. 8, Knute Ogren for and Max Gehring for State Reps in District. 4. Learn more about the candidates running in your town here and volunteer here to ensure they win in November. Let’s get out and VOTE BLUE in 2022! 

Freedom 8.28.22

Dana Hilliard in the lovely garden of Freedom’s Pam and Barry Keith!




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Carroll County NH Democrats