10 Things To Know, Oct 1

Fall is here! Leaf Peepers will be Peeping! We all know that peeping is something related to the eyes. But it’s also something that has to do with the ears!

I remember my first grade teacher telling us: “I don’t want to hear one peep from this classroom!” As for the Carroll County DEMs during this hunk of time — let’s do more than peep about justice and fairness and truth. Let us reach out and invite our friends, family, and neighbors to join the chorus of resisters, of truth tellers, of activists — all for the common good!

Here are “10 Things To Know … OCT 1” —

1. The Cleveland Dinner is November 7. It’s the annual gathering of Carroll County DEMs. I hope that you will purchase a ticket and meet the 3 gentlemen seeking the DEM nomination for Governor. Learn more about this year’s Cleveland Dinner by visiting: Cleveland Dinner

2. Scholarships: Another thing about the Cleveland Dinner … we are making room for high school students and making room for county friends for whom the $75 ticket price might be a bit too steep. If you are someone who might be willing to participate in helping to provide some financial support for these two groups need some assistance, contact knute4nh@yahoo.com. If you or someone you know needs a little help with the cost of a ticket, contact knute4nh@yahoo.com.


3. Kudos to the Tri Town DEMs (Moultonborough, Sandwich, and Tuftonboro) for their awesome event this past Sunday — the Garden Party. The leaders in these three towns work so well together! If you are from one of those three towns, reach out and learn how to be involved! Moultonborough Democrats

4. County Leader to Know: Erik Corbett!

Many thanks to Erik for his great work that he’s been doing in Carroll County throughout the years. He has been a faithful resource to leaders throughout the districts of Carroll County. He knows how things have worked, but he’s not at all stuck in how things have to be. Erik is eager to help the Carroll County DEMs move forward while, at the very same time, helping us remember how things have been. Erik’s been in healing mode in this last hunk of time and still is staying tuned in to communicating and sharing news. We’ll be cheering him on in the months to come as he and some others fine-tune how the county communicates what is going on. If you are someone who might want to participate in getting our communication ducks in a row, give a yell to knute and I’ll connect you.

5. Big shout out to people throughout the county who are writing letters to the newspapers to speak out and speak up. Today, we can celebrate Peg Merritt of Sandwich. Great letter in the Sun today, Peg! Whenever we write letters, I encourage you to be hopeful, check your facts, and do your best to come across as reasoned and clear — just like Peg Merritt!

6. Hey! Visit the Facebook page of the WOLFEBORO DEMS. Be sure to get to the Picnic on October 6th beginning at 1 PM. Learn more at the link above. A big Hooray goes out to the party leaders in Wolfeboro who are doing a great job staying connected and inviting folks to get involved!

7. The word on the street is that the Valley DEMs is having a meeting on OCT 16th. If you haven’t yet stepped up to get in solved in what’s going on with the Valley DEMs, you’re missing out. More important — you are NEEDED! The Valley DEMs in a collection of DEMs from all over the center portion of the county including the towns of Conway, Eaton, Chatham, Hales Location, and Albany. At their OCT meeting, there’ll be a presentation on how things work in Concord. Learn more: VALLEY DEMS ON FACEBOOK

8. Do you own a business or do you have a connection with a business which might be willing to help the Carroll County DEMs with a gift certificate or a service or a cool item which can be part of our Cleveland Dinner raffle or auction? You can be a big help by letting MaryAnne Carpenter Orsino of Bartlett know! CONTACT MARY ORSINO

9. DEMs living in Wakefield and Brookfield in the southern part of the county can connect with the Moose Mountain Area DEMs which has a monthly meeting at the Poor People’s Pub. Learn more at: MOOSE MOUNTAIN AREA DEMS ON FACEBOOK

10a. Find out about presidential candidates visiting any part of New Hampshire by clicking: FIND A CANDIDATE VISITING NH

10b. Please share this info with the DEMs of Carroll County. There are plenty of people who are living in our county’s 19 towns who might benefit from receiving the periodic emails from the Carroll County DEMs. Encourage your circle of friends to sign up by visiting: PERIODIC NEWS





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